Here in the castle, you will encounter my friends who stand for more then an image on a color moniter. You have just met COURAGE. She brings my visiter's , you guessed it! Courage! Watch out ! She'll dust you. If that happens, you'll leave with more courage to go after those dreams you've always had. But alway's allowed the insecurities block your vision.



You've just been dusted, with the dust of courage.


Don't say I did'nt warn you!


Take this gift with you! You will need it so you will have the courage to enter the Castle itself. But, first you'll have to make your way through the main gates. For that alone will take every little bit of courage you have.

Go ahead, reach for the stars. I know you can do it!

What does Courage mean?

It means to be who you are, not what others expect you to be.

It means, to walk away from vilolent behavior.

It means, to make that career change you've always dreamed of.

It means, to stand on your own two feet, not someone elses.

It means, to except change for what it truely is, not it's face value.

It means, to except other's imperfections. After all, were not perfect.

It means, to except your own crutches, faults deal with them.

It means, to walk into the main castle without fear.

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